The 10 Most Dramatic Rescues by Everyday Heroes in Cars — Heart-Stopping Stories

Real heroes are ordinary people caught in extraordinary situations. When danger strikes on the road, quick thinking and courage can make the difference between life and death. From near-death experiences to dramatic rescues, here are 10 astonishing stories where everyday drivers became real-life heroes, saving lives with nothing more than their vehicles.

The Ohio School Bus Miracle

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In 2016, a heart-stopping moment unfolded in Ohio when a school bus carrying 27 children veered off the road and teetered dangerously on the edge of a steep embankment. In her car, Jackie Terry, a local passerby, saw the bus on the verge of plunging into a ravine. Without hesitation, she used her SUV to block the bus from moving further. While Jackie’s car took heavy damage from the maneuver, it provided enough time for the children to evacuate safely. Her quick thinking averted a disaster, and Terry became a local hero. She was honored by the Ohio Governor’s office in a public ceremony for her bravery.

The Flash Flood in Arizona

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One of the worst flash floods that hit Phoenix in years turned roadways into rivers in 2017. Raging waters dragged a young woman and her toddler downstream, trapping them inside a vehicle. Because of the heavy rain, Justin Fairbanks, a construction worker nearby, had left early to go home. He witnessed the woman’s car sinking as he was driving home. With lightning speed, he parked his truck in a more secure spot, leaped out, and braved the rushing river. Fighting the currents, he reached the car and retrieved the toddler and mother via the window. His selfless deeds saved two lives that day, bringing him local and national attention.

The Seattle Bridge Collapse

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During rush hour in 2007, Seattle’s I-5 bridge suddenly collapsed, sending multiple vehicles into the frigid waters below. Among the bystanders was Donna Becker, driving to work when she witnessed the catastrophe. But, instead of panicking, Donna pulled over and immediately ran toward the edge of the bridge. Using her car as a lifeline, she threw a rope from her trunk down to the survivors, guiding several people to safety. Becker’s quick thinking saved numerous lives before emergency services arrived. She was later awarded the Red Cross Lifesaving Award for her courageous efforts.

The Fiery Texas Pileup

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Due to dense fog, 2019 saw a significant 50-car pileup on Texas’ I-35, which resulted in numerous vehicle fires. Gary Hernandez was a father who was transporting his three children to school when he became trapped in the center of the fire. Hernandez escaped with his kids from their car shortly before it caught fire after the collision. Hernandez, however, returned to the collision after noticing that several drivers were still stuck in their cars. He hauled two elderly passengers out of their burning vehicle despite the smoke and heat. Hernandez’s bravery prevented a terrible catastrophe from happening to people.

The California Wildfire Escape

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The Camp Fire in Northern California in 2018 was one of the deadliest wildfires in US history. When the fire reached Paradise, California, hundreds of residents had to evacuate immediately. Among those fleeing was 26-year-old Bryce Carroll, a volunteer firefighter. While heading out of town, he noticed an elderly couple trapped in their car, which had been turned off by smoke inhalation and heat damage. Bryce towed their vehicle with his pickup, guiding them to safety without hesitation. The couple later credited Carroll for saving their lives, and his heroism became a beacon of hope in the middle of the devastating wildfire.

The Indiana Carjack Rescue

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2015 witnessed a horrifying carjacking in downtown Indianapolis during the daytime when a man forcibly entered a woman’s vehicle while her two-year-old daughter was inside. James Wilson, a neighboring motorist, witnessed the carjacking and pursued the culprit while dialing 911. Wilson followed the carjacker closely as he drove off down the street. Wilson hurried to the scene, jumped out of his car, and grabbed the unhurt toddler from the backseat, holding her secure until the police came. This happened after the suspect lost control and smashed into a utility pole. The city commended him for his prompt measures in ensuring the child’s safety.

The Frozen River in Vermont

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Vermont had one of its worst winters ever in February 2020. A woman’s car crashed into the frozen water below after it slid over black ice and into the Winooski River while she was driving across a rural bridge. An off-duty EMT named Peter O’Neil witnessed the incident while he was making his way home from work. When O’Neil saw that the woman was stuck in the icy river, he quickly acted. He tethered his car to a nearby tree with a tow rope from his truck and descended the embankment to get to her. Before hypothermia could take hold, O’Neil burst through the glass and pulled the unconscious driver to safety. Many officials from the state described his acts as heroic.

The Florida Highway Dash

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In 2013, during a typical morning commute on I-95 in Florida, a motorcyclist was struck by an out-of-control sedan and left lying in the middle of the freeway. With cars zooming past, he was in grave danger of being hit again. Driving a few cars behind, Tony Rodriguez immediately pulled over, parked his car in the middle of the road to block traffic, and ran to the injured rider. Using his car as a shield, Rodriguez stayed with the motorcyclist until paramedics arrived. His fast thinking likely saved the man’s life from a secondary collision.

The Kansas Tornado Hero

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In May 2021, a tornado ripped through a small Kansas town, leveling homes and tossing cars like toys. When the storm flattened his neighbor’s house, Carl Martinez knew he had to help. With debris and live power lines scattered across the road, he maneuvered his SUV through the wreckage to reach the scene. Martinez pulled the injured family out from under the rubble, using his vehicle as a makeshift ambulance to drive them to safety. The local sheriff’s department later celebrated his quick response and bravery during the storm.

The Subway Train Miracle

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One of the most amazing rescues in New York City’s history occurred in 2019 after a car struck a subway entrance, forcing a portion of the building to collapse. Driving past, a veteran Marine, Michael Boone, saw the automobile vanish down the subway station’s stairs. Without delay, he stopped and hurried over to the accident site. Just before the station completely collapsed, Boone removed two passengers from the mangled car and lifted debris by himself. His military background came into play, and in an extraordinary chain of events that rocked the city, he saved two lives.

14 Supercars Under $100K That Deliver Breathtaking Speed and Style

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When you think of supercars, names like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and McLaren often come to mind, along with their staggering price tags. However, high-performance vehicles aren’t exclusively reserved for the super-rich. There exists a sweet spot where speed, style, and (relatively) sensible pricing converge, offering thrilling rides without completely obliterating your bank account. Hop in as we explore 14 underrated supercars under $100K.

14 Supercars Under $100K That Deliver Breathtaking Speed and Style

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