The 15 Most Bizarre Car Accessories Ever Sold

We all love our cars. But while cars have evolved from basic machines to high-tech marvels, the accessories people slap on them range from the sublime to the ridiculous. Here are 18 of the most bizarre car accessories ever sold. By the time we reach #9, you might question reality—or at least wonder how some of these products ever made it past the drawing board.

The Dashboard Hula Girl

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Let’s start with a classic: The dashboard hula girl. While this accessory isn’t new, it still leaves many scratching their heads. Originally a symbol of the idyllic Hawaiian vacation, these bubble-headed dancers have been jiggling away on dashboards since the 1950s. But think about it—why would anyone need a tiny, perpetually dancing woman in their line of sight while driving? Distracting, yes. Fun? Absolutely. It’s the epitome of kitsch, the thing that feels more at home in a 1950s drive-in movie than in a modern vehicle. Yet, somehow, it persists. That’s part of its charm. Or is it?

Truck Nuts

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Truck nuts—yes, those oversized, anatomically suggestive plastic or metal ornaments that dangle from the back of pickup trucks—have surprisingly lasted well beyond the novelty phase. Why, you ask? Great question. It’s one thing that sparks a combination of confusion and discomfort, all while making an odd but bold statement about masculinity. Are they meant to be funny? Assertive? Maybe both. Either way, they’re one accessory you won’t forget once you’ve seen them. It’s all fun and games until someone’s grandmother spots them on the highway.

The Car Exhaust Whistle

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For those who feel their car needs a little more oomph but don’t quite have the budget for a sports exhaust system, behold the car exhaust whistle. For under $10, this magical piece of metal promises to make your sedan sound like a racecar. It makes your vehicle sound like it’s dying or attempting to make a terrible impression of a turbocharged engine. It’s the ultimate accessory for those who want to impress their neighbors without impressing them.

Car Lashes

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Enter car lashes, an accessory that gives your headlights the perfect pair of “eyes.” These oversized plastic eyelashes attach to the headlight rims, transforming your car into a flirtatious, blinking machine. Because nothing says “drive me” like a car with bedroom eyes. These lashes are designed for drivers who want their cars to have personality—though not necessarily the kind you’d expect from a high-performance vehicle.

The Backseat Inflatable Mattress

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When the great outdoors calls, and you don’t want to shell out for a hotel, the inflatable car mattress saves the day. It turns your car’s backseat into a cozy bed, perfect for long road trips or spontaneous naps. The question arises: Is your car the ideal place to sleep? Maybe not, but with this mattress, at least it’s an option. The only problem is getting comfortable with the random seatbelt buckles poking you in the ribs.

Steering Wheel Spinner Knob

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Ah, the steering wheel spinner knob—affectionately known as a “suicide knob.” While it originally had practical applications for truck drivers, it’s entered the regular consumer market. The idea is that the knob helps you steer with one hand, allowing for quick, sharp turns. In reality, this accessory can make your driving experience more dangerous if not used correctly. For those without superhuman reflexes, it might just be a liability disguised as convenience.

The Dashboard Monk

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The dashboard monk sits somewhere between the hula girl and an actual religious relic. Yes, a tiny monk statue watches over your travels in contemplative silence. It’s said to bring good luck and serenity, though it likely causes more confusion than anything else. This accessory reflects the strange fusion of spirituality and car culture—a car is, after all, a sacred space for some. But for others, it’s just another bizarre knick-knack that takes up precious dashboard real estate.

The Car Organ (No, Not That Kind)

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Have you ever wanted to play the piano while driving? Of course not, but that didn’t stop someone from inventing a car organ—a keyboard-like contraption that lets drivers honk their horns in different musical notes. It’s as obnoxious as it sounds and perhaps more dangerous than anyone could have predicted. Imagine Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony blaring through traffic, note by note. It’s probably the most entertaining way to make enemies on the road.

The Car-Toilet Combo

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Ready for the shocker? Meet the car toilet. No, this isn’t a fancy euphemism for a clean restroom break—this is an actual toilet that fits in your car. Billed as a must-have for long trips and emergencies, this accessory begs the question: How bad is the traffic that made this seem like a good idea? It’s hard to imagine any situation where a car toilet doesn’t bring more problems than solutions, but desperation is a powerful force.

Fake Bullet Hole Stickers

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Want to give your car a “rough and tough” look without the actual dangers of driving through a war zone? Fake bullet hole stickers are the answer. They’ve become oddly popular, especially in areas where the real thing is rare (thankfully). A few well-placed stickers can give your sedan a hardcore, Mad Max-esque makeover, but Why?

The Shrunken Head

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This accessory hails from old Tiki culture and has found a place in modern cars. A fake shrunken head dangles from the rearview mirror in case your hula girl on the dashboard wasn’t quirky enough. Is it spooky? Sure. Is it bizarre? Absolutely. But for some, the macabre charm of a miniature head bouncing with every pothole is worth the strange looks from fellow drivers.

Furry Seatbelt Covers

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Seatbelts aren’t exactly known for their comfort, so naturally, someone decided to make fuzzy seatbelt covers. The idea is simple—turn your standard, rough seatbelt into a plush, luxurious experience. Unfortunately, they tend to shed, get dirty quickly, and often do more harm than good by making it harder to adjust your seatbelt. They’re like the car accessory equivalent of a fur coat on a hot day: they look fun but not practical.

Light-Up Washer Nozzle Caps

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Adding a light-up feature to just about anything is a popular trend, so naturally, someone invented light-up washer nozzles. These little caps make your windshield washer nozzles glow with LED lights for reasons that remain a mystery. If you’ve ever thought your car’s washer fluid spray needed to be more festive, here’s your solution. However, in terms of practical benefit, this one is more show than substance.

The “Baby on Board” Sign

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We’ve all seen those little yellow signs alerting other drivers that a baby is on board. While the initial purpose was noble—encouraging safer driving around a baby-laden vehicle—over time, it’s become more of a meme than a serious safety reminder. For those without kids, parody versions like “Mother-in-law on Board” or “Ex on Board” make this a curious blend of helpfulness and humor that’s hard to categorize.

Dashboard Snow Globe

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The dashboard snow globe might be just the thing for those who can’t get enough of whimsical decorations. Unlike its stationary counterpart, this snow globe is designed to stay glued to your car’s dash while delivering a wintery blizzard with every bump in the road. It’s the ultimate test of distraction, perfect for those who want to feel like they’re driving through a holiday card year-round. Why drive when you can transport yourself to a tiny, snow-filled fantasy land?

14 Supercars Under $100K That Deliver Breathtaking Speed and Style

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When you think of supercars, names like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and McLaren often come to mind, along with their staggering price tags. However, high-performance vehicles aren’t exclusively reserved for the super-rich. There exists a sweet spot where speed, style, and (relatively) sensible pricing converge, offering thrilling rides without completely obliterating your bank account. Hop in as we explore 14 underrated supercars under $100K.

14 Supercars Under $100K That Deliver Breathtaking Speed and Style

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